Dehydration and heat-related injuries are a real threat to pets in the summer. Sadly, many pet owners are unaware of the dangers faced by pets when heat starts to rise. Knowing how to spot the signs of dehydration and heatstroke in pets is very important if you want to keep your pets safe as you enjoy the summer heat. Read on to know how.
Shoes, shoes, shoes
Ground temperature, especially pavement and asphalt, can heat up to alarming levels and may scorch bare feet and paws. Use pet shoes to protect your pet’s paws from hot pavements and ensure that they are protected from burns and blisters. The shoes also act as a barrier that prevents your pet from heating up quickly, preventing heatstroke.
If you opt to bypass the shoes, please do test the sidewalk with the palm of your hand. Try holding your hand on the pavement for 5 seconds. If it’s too hot for you to allow your hand to remain there, it’s simply too hot for your precious pup’s feet. Wait until the temperature cools and share time together inside, instead.
After walks, check your pup’s feet for any signs of cracking or redness. If your dog is an avid walker and his or her feet are becoming dry, we offer a protective balm in our online store to help protect paw pads.
Always bring water on walks
Water is your number one weapon against dehydration and heatstroke. It is important that you carry water with you at all times because you may not find a public fountain or any other water source when you need it.
It is best to not rely on water sources you may be hiking to for your pet’s drinking water. This water may be contaminated with unwanted bacteria and diseases, many of which can also be transferred to humans.
Reschedule walks to early mornings or evenings
Walks in the summer should be kept to the early morning or early evenings. This is the only way to avoid exposing your pet to excessive heat and potential heatstroke during our hottest summer days. Walking during these times can allow you to take the same duration of walks that you usually take, without overheating or tiring your pet too soon.
Keep frozen treats handy
Frozen treats are great for keeping your pet stimulated and cool during the summer. Yogurt popsicles or frozen fruit juices are very easy to prepare and will cool him down in a matter of minutes, whether he is indoors or out.
When preparing frozen treats, make sure there are no ingredients such as Xylitol in the peanut butters or used as a sugar substitute in any of the other ingredients.
Here are a few fun recipes to try!
Know the symptoms of overheating
Excessive panting or difficulty breathing are just two of the easiest signs to spot if your pet is overheating. Other symptoms include weakness, drooling, confusion and collapse. Knowing what these signs are is crucial so you can remove your pet from the source of heat, give him water and start cooling him down as soon as possible. Call us immediately if you notice any of these signs.
Summer is a great time for dogs and their owners. However, too much of a good thing is always dangerous. The tips above can help you make sure that your dog is kept away from too much heat so that he stays safe, cool and comfortable in the summer. We love summer in Cloquet and hope that you are able to have a safe and wonderful summer season with your pets!
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