A Hidden Threat: Tick Borne Diseases

A Hidden Threat: Tick Borne Diseases

Adventures To Be Had Summertime. Warm, humid, sometimes scorching, and definitely languorous. Occasionally breezy, lush, radiant, and exhilarating. The possibilities for adventure are endless, with days long enough to take them all in. Opportunities to experience and...
Halloween Safety

Halloween Safety

Trick-or-Treat! ‘Tis the season. We get to carve pumpkins, go to parties, dress up in our favorite costumes, and even make our pet become a hot dog, unicorn, or any other of a plethora of ridiculous things. Most of our pets tolerate dressing up because they love us....
Celebrating Our Veterinary Technicians

Celebrating Our Veterinary Technicians

Doing What They Love We’ve all heard it – we should do what we love as a career. Some of us do and others choose their job for a variety of reasons. Some careers are more than jobs; they’re callings. That’s the way we feel about our veterinary technicians and the way...
Hop, Skip, and Jump Towards Pet Safety this Easter

Hop, Skip, and Jump Towards Pet Safety this Easter

Holidays are happy occasions filling your spirit with fun and joy. However, if you are a pet owner, you need to consider a few things to keep them safe. In other words, you need to learn about Easter safety and its importance. So, take some time, and learn about the...