
Holidays are happy occasions filling your spirit with fun and joy. However, if you are a pet owner, you need to consider a few things to keep them safe. In other words, you need to learn about Easter safety and its importance. So, take some time, and learn about the hazards that can harm your pet during the holidays. 

Common Easter hazards for pets 

While you prepare for the holiday, take some time to think about what kind of risks Easter imposes on pets. Although putting up decorations and hiding eggs is quite fun and thrilling, you need to be aware that certain treats and toys can threaten our cats and dogs. So, including Easter safety measures in your preparations is a must.

  1. Artificial grass

Plastic grass is one of the most widely-used Easter decorations. People like ornamenting their yards and homes with it because it gives that holiday spirit everyone loves. Your pet might also love it, but since they like exploring new stuff, they could easily try to eat it, especially dogs.  

This immediately imposes a risk, as pets can’t absorb plastic Easter decorations. If they ingest it by accident, it can get stuck in their digestive system, causing severe harm. Some of the symptoms they can present include vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, sluggishness, and abdominal discomfort. 

  1. Easter lilies 

When you think about flowers that will look great during the holidays, you will probably consider lilies. Unfortunately, Easter lilies are very toxic for cats. 

Despite its beauty, the easter lily is highly hazardous near felines. This flower can cause rapid kidney failure even if they ingest a small amount or just lick the pollen off their fur or paws. Lily toxicity is a serious condition that can cause severe debilitation, often resulting in fatal consequences. 

  1. Chocolate 

Chocolate toxicity is among the most common causes that drive pets to the ER, especially during the holiday. When talking about Easter safety measures, it’s important to keep them away from chocolate-made decor.  

Chocolate consumption can lead to digestive problems, pancreatitis, heightened activity in the nervous system, and increased heart rate.

How to keep my pet safe from an unwanted ER visit this Easter?

There are several things you can do to keep your pet safe from an unwanted emergency visit this Easter:

  • Keep all Easter ornaments, such as plastic grass, Easter lilies, and chocolate, out of your pets’ reach.
  • Keep your pet’s routine the same as much as possible. Changes in routine can cause stress and lead to unwanted behavior.
  • Give them their own treats and toys to play with, and keep them occupied to prevent them from being tempted by exploring potentially harmful items.
  • Ensure your pet wears a collar with up-to-date identification tags in case they make outdoor escape attempts. 

To make your holidays as joyful as possible, ensure that you take all the necessary Easter safety measures. It is better to prevent a problem than to treat it, so pay attention to these little things that might ruin your holiday. Hopefully, these tips will help you and your pets have a safe and joyful Easter!

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