5 Top Summer Tips for Your Pets

5 Top Summer Tips for Your Pets

Dehydration and heat-related injuries are a real threat to pets in the summer. Sadly, many pet owners are unaware of the dangers faced by pets when heat starts to rise. Knowing how to spot the signs of dehydration and heatstroke in pets is very important if you want...
Keep Your Dog Safe Around Water This Summer

Keep Your Dog Safe Around Water This Summer

Taking your dog to a local lake can be a great way to help him cool off on a hot summer day. And, after our bitter cold winter, nothing feels better than a dip in Lake Superior or Big Lake! Many dogs are natural swimmers, and you might be surprised at how quickly your...
Fear, Stress and Fireworks Safety

Fear, Stress and Fireworks Safety

4 Tips for Your Pet’s Fourth of July Fears We are looking forward to this year’s Fourth of July celebrations, and we suspect you are, as well. But do you know who rarely enjoys firework shows as much as we do? Pets. Why do pets become so fearful during Fourth of July...
What Your Pet Wishes You Knew About Microchips!

What Your Pet Wishes You Knew About Microchips!

What is the big deal with these tiny pieces of technology called microchips? These tiny, technologically neat devices are responsible for the safe return of tens of thousands of pets every month. What else does your pet wish you knew about microchips? 1. “A microchip...
6 Steps for Dog-Safe Car Travel this Summer

6 Steps for Dog-Safe Car Travel this Summer

Some dogs love cars. Others…well, not so much. No matter if your dog loves car travel or not so much, you want to keep your dog safe. Why does bringing your best buddy along for a road trip take a little extra precaution? Cars are designed to keep people safe,...
Prevention of Lyme Disease Month

Prevention of Lyme Disease Month

The website lymedisease.org, has designated the month of May as Lyme Disease Awareness Month to draw attention to how the disease affects people and pets. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the prevalence of Lyme disease in both people and pets is...